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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The New Summer Palace

As some of you may know, I recently spent three (3) weeks in China with my dad. We visited many places, such as the Forbidden City, New, and Old Summer Palace(s), Nan Ning (Guang Xi provence), Bei Hai, Gui Lin, etc. etc. The pictures below are all from my last week or so in China, enjoy! I will try to tell a story before each major section of pictures.

These pictures are from my last 4 hours in China. They are from the New Summer Palace. Basically, its was a small lake, until Emperor Qian Long decided to make it bigger. Hence, it was dug out by hand, and is now Massive. Its purpose was to supply water for the entire Beijing area, though not now, as the demand is too great.

Keeper of the gate.

A smaller park inside the park. Actually, its more of a small pond. My dad says it is in the stye of South China--Small, full of cool stuff.

An artist drawing the scene before her.

I really like this picture.

Same with this.

A bit under, but its decent.




A small gate to a bridge.

Droplets on the surface of a leaf.

Very very very very still water.

I swear, this is the first living thing I have seen in water in the four or so times I have been to China.

A bunch of Italian tourists came through the area.

A group of former opera singers? or enthusiasts were gathered in a small area underneath the walkway. They were singing just as the tourists came through.


Chinese sheet music is hard to read.


View from below.

Twas growing on the roof.


These fabulous little ornaments are on the end of the roof tiles. Every single termination point.

My mom's favorite plant.

I'm a sucker for detail.

F***ing huge worms man. Not cool. Coin is size of nickle.

Words on the ground.

A post for a railing.

Part of the railing.

Group of students drawing and kicking it.

Mysterious bird.

Preparing to attack.

Mini monks.

They surround the arch of a doorway.

Wall of the building.

Close-up of a monk.



Bells on a tall tower.

I like this one too.

So cute.

Slab with name of the location on it.

A distant distant tower. Notice the smog.



I think they are worth money.

The only one with a head.

Now its gone.

Its magic!

Right next to the tallest building on the right half of the image is Peking University. Actually, i think the old style building in the middle is the Library.

An odd tree.

The end tile on a roof.

Another worm

I like it.

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Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.