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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mini-Statues and Basketball Players--China Pictures Part III

As some of you may know, I recently spent three (3) weeks in China with my dad. We visited many places, such as the Forbidden City, New, and Old Summer Palace(s), Nan Ning (Guang Xi provence), Bei Hai, Gui Lin, etc. etc. The pictures below are all from my last week or so in China, enjoy! I will try to tell a story before each major section of pictures.

On my first day back in Beijing, returning from the provence of Guang Xi, I saw these little figures set up in the yard near the house I was staying at in Peking University. I think it is about some martial art form club trying to recruit members, as there were folks handing out these plastic fans. I believe they are all made from either plastic, or plaster.

Alone, they are weak.

"stop hitting me!"






"bau bau bau bau..baubau, baubaubau CLICK CLICK"

Seriously though, there was alot of them.

A bunch of boys playing basketball. It was '08 vs '09.



There was an old man playing basket ball with a bunch of young guys too. I thought it was pretty cool.


Too bad its blurry.

Prepare for defeat.

This is creepy. Why do I have so many pictures of this guy?

The journey is fraught with danger.

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Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.