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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bei Hai Park in the Forbidden City and the White Tower--China Pictures Part III

As some of you may know, I recently spent three (3) weeks in China with my dad. We visited many places, such as the Forbidden City, New, and Old Summer Palace(s), Nan Ning (Guang Xi provence), Bei Hai, Gui Lin, etc. etc. The pictures below are all from my last week or so in China, enjoy! I will try to tell a story before each major section of pictures.

Bei Hai is a park in very close proximity to the Forbidden City. The highlight of the park is the "bai ta", basically, the "White tower". Bai Ta contains the cremated remains of monks, and scriptures. I went with a friend of mine in China. We arrived at about 3, and left at about 6. As we walked around, she explained stuff to me, and i learned some Chinese, and culture. It was pretty cool.

Behold, a man writing Chinese on the ground.

Post on the bridge to the island.

The lake housed boats, as well as these lilies.


I find this image very uncomfortable to look at. It's really awkward.

Ah, thats better.

I wish I knew. [This space reserved for telling you what is when I find out]


As you will see later, the heads of these figures are very prone to disappearing.

Temples seem to be very colorful, and very ornate. On the way up, we passed by, or through several little shines, each filled with characters, paintings, and models of Buddhist religious figures.

Observe the magnificence.

A vessel.

More vessel.

My favorite image. I think this was part of a door frame, I am unsure. It took me many tries to get the image as sharp as this.

The long, high climb up to the white tower.

No step here.

The view from halfway down.

This is the ROOF of the building.

Little monks decorating the side of a small building near the White Tower.

Very ornate roof corner.

Very detailed.

Different white balance.

The little guy is riding a chicken.

Decoration on the base of the platform on which the White Tower rests.

300mm FTW

The top of the tower.


The building adjacent to the White Tower.

An odd thing, the hill up to the tower is coated with trees, so images from below are impossible, due to the trees, and when you get close enough, or clear of the trees, you are too close.

Hand carved.

A mysterious canon on the top.

Very mysterious indeed.

Sadly, there isn't much else. I swear, there was a hole in the pollution layer over Beijing right over this park. It was nice.

The Trees...

Good luck.

Another angle.

The Northen, or back entrance to the Forbidden City.

Post detail.

Poster detailer.

Posterer detailesserer.

An adjacent park.

That girl's boyfriend held up about 10 people for 5 minutes while he tried to get a picture of her.

A parting shot.

A spinning prayer device.


Corner of the doorframe.



Interesting story to this object. It is a large container full of water, with 4 little vessels in the bottom. Supposedly, if you drop a coin into the water, and it enters the middle, your chances of having something good happen increases. If it lands farther away, the opposite.

Its addictive.

They just keep pushing 50cent coins.

But really, its purpose is to put out fires.

Flood tree.

Why, hello?

Why so angry?

Good dental care.

Sunset on the lake.


That night, after eating at a small restaurant, we hit the Wang Fu Jing shopping district. There, I did some book shopping, and bought my mom a BIG HEAVY STACK OF COOK books.


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Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.