This post is a result of a days worth of research. My Blogger acct. is unreachable half the time, so updates will be
Speaking of planes, I must comment that Hai Nan Airlines new flight, direct from Seattle to Beijing is very convenient. No routing down to Canada or SF anymore to fly to Beijing. Much easier.
A few comments.
1. Children under the age of 7 have unlimited energy, but their supernatural powers leave them at about hour 7 of the flight. I witnessed one child nearby watch "Horton Hears a Who", followed by "Bee Movie", followed by a game for multiple hours. He then became unconcious, and fell asleep using the food tray as a table to rest his head on.
2. They say crying babies are louder than jack hammers. This, I thought, was false. How can a child be louder than multiple pounds of metal being fired up and down very rapidly? I am now a believer.
3. I think 10 Minutes of turbulence is fun. Three hours of gentle turbulence is nauseously.
Enough complaints. Overall, the flight was excellent--good food and good service.
We left Seattle at 2:30 (3o minutes late) after the ground crew forgot to load luggage into the plane. BRILLIANT! The flight, starting from initial acceleration, to near-full stop in Beijing, took 11:26:54.7. We then gathered our luggage, with minimal hassle from the customs and border control, and then we got onto a bus heading towards Zhong Guan Chun. Arriving there 40 or so minutes later, we hitched a ride in a taxi, and then arrived at Peking University. New security measures meant that we were stuck outside, as we had no ID for entry. My father called my uncle to come get us, and we waitied a couple of minutes.
While waiting, my father struck up conversation with an older guard. Upon mentioning his kinship to Hou Ren Zhi(famous in China) , the guard said we could just enter--no ID required. Too bad we had too much stuff, so we had to wait. A couple of minutes later, my Aunt and Uncle showed up on bicycles, and we hauled our stuff to my Grandparent's house. I ate some dinner, took a shower, and fell asleep.
Currently, it is very pleasant. Its not very hot or humid, and mosquitos are minimal. I took the opportunity to visit the nearby electronics towers (every level is filled with electronics shops--printers, computers, cameras, MP3/4 players, parts, etc, etc, etc) to browse and look for cool stuff. I'll go back when I have some money.
Hang on for pictures.
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