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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

University of Washington:Bothell Party

Dock Lamp
At the conclusion of the 2009 Academic year, the University of Washington: Bothell's ASB (associated student body) hosted a party to commorate this event. Students ranging from Freshman to Senior, in all walks of life enjoyed the food, music, dancing, casino games, and gorgeous sunset at the party.

The Woodmark Hotel at Carillon Point (located near the SR-520/I405 junction) hosted the so-called Luau Party. A gorgeous setting summer sun warmed the hearts of all those present.

Note: All images link to larger versions.

Carillon Point's western exposure lent itself to great photographic opportunities. While waiting for the party to warm up a bit, I explored the long dock leading out a great distance.

A girl, waiting for her parents to return on another boat was busy texting.
Texting in a Boat

You gotta have good music before you can operate your boat.
Tuning the radio

Hungry boaters come in for a bite to eat.
Coming in to tie up

And of course, you can't launch or get tied up without this guys help.
Tie up your boat

Having just invested in a Lensbaby, I used it on this marvelous dog.
Good Looking Dog

A dining table, complete with glasses stands ready for service.
Outdoors Party

Nice seat with a good view of the west.
Bench at Sunset

Rich people have the nicest boats!
Big Boat

I asked two fellow students if I could take their picture. Obviously, the answer was yes!
"Can I take your picture?"

With the sun fading quickly, I retreated indoors, into the main area of the party, where gaming, eating and partying were occurring.

Most games here were casino games, and each table had its players and spectators.
Lets Play a Game

Card Games are always popular.
Cards on the table

My favorite image of the night was taken at this craps table.

Its also not a party without dancing!
Everybody Dance!

Or a dj spinning vinyl. Or making himself dizzy.
DJ Rocking Out

Point and Preserve

With the party winding down, I stepped backoutside to take a couple of shots.

The American Flag flying over the very end of the dock.
Flag over the Bay

A collision course!
Collision Course

Overall, it was pretty entertaining. The partygoers had fun; some went to after parties to do whatever it is one does. I got some good pictures, and thats a good day for me.

You can view the entire set at Flickr.com

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A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.