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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pool at UW Bothell

Pool at UW Bothell

Pool is a popular parlor game in bars and schools. People must find hitting small balls into other colored balls with the pointy end of a long pole quite entertaining. Personally, from having played pool a couple time, its fun for a bit, then gets quite dull at an astounding rate. Personal opinions aside, here are some pictures from UW Bothell. There is a pool table at the bottom of UW-1 in a gathering space. Odd spot for a table, but I'm not complaining.

You're next.
Pool at UW Bothell

This is how I hold my cue, but neither watch or skill are involved.
Pool at UW Bothell

Pool at UW Bothell

Clack, goes the ball.
Pool at UW Bothell

Resetting for another round.
Pool at UW Bothell

Where's he aiming?
Pool at UW Bothell

You can view the entire set here.

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Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.