¡¡Its alive!! I'm back; new, improved, and posting more or less sporadically!

Coming Soon!

Your very own chance to temporarily paste appealing images from  this website onto your tacky white walls!

Yes, posters are under development;  More details soon!

Entertain your eyes!

You can help me take and post more images by clicking on these ad's once in a while. It helps me greatly in paying for gas, and glass. Thanks again!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Baking Cookies

Giant Cookie

I like cookies. Tasty, easy, and entertaining, all at the same time. Yet, cookies are rather plain in their own ways.

Giant Cookie

Typically, what is changed is the ingredients, the cutouts used, the look, the color; the list goes on, but I thought it would be interesting not to change the taste of the cookie.

Giant Cookie

I thought to myself, what an I do to a cookie that makes it unique, yet familiar? Being an avid fan of pies, and pie related paraphernalia, it was decided to bake a cookie the size (diameter) of a pie.

Giant Cookie

Giant Cookie
In comparison to normal cookies, these cookies are giant! Even though it tastes the same, remember, food is half presentation, half taste.
Giant Cookie
Delicious business!
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Old Truck

Old Truck
Originally uploaded by Ben Hou
Here is an old truck that was on display at Cravern Farms in Snohomish County, Washington.

I was there visiting the corn maze and the pumpkin patch. Good stuff!

You can view the rest of the set here
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Film Roll #1 : Nikon FE

Tempted the Double Exposure Gods
I always had a thing for shooting on 35mm film, even though its impossibly inconvenient in modern society. First, you have to buy somewhat expensive bulky film cartridges that hold a measly 36 exposures (or less!), then load the film into your camera. Once you begin shooting, you have to wait until you finish the roll to be able to wind the film back into the cartridge. You then have to take the cartridge out, drive it off to get processed and printed. Only then can you see what you ended up with, which may be less than satisfactory.

Ice-Packed Fish
Fish in a barrel

When you compare this with digital cameras of any price range and size, which use quarter sized memory cards that can hold hundreds or thousands of images each, allowing for instant review of images and enable to make quick adjustments if necessary.

Fly resting on a leaf in my backyard.
Fly on a Leaf

Digital cameras also accommodate ISO adjustments from image to image instead of being stuck with a set ISO (depending on your roll of film), allowing for lower noise when outdoors in sunny clear skies or higher when indoors.

A good friend working on Starcraft at school.
Conlan at School

In spite of all these reasons not to shoot film, there is still something special about it. I use my father's Nikon FE, which he bought way back in the 1980's. Just about every single image from my childhood was taken with this Camera. The FE still works great with all the lenses (except the Nikon G lenses) we own, despite being over twenty years old and having had thousands of exposures made on it. Featuring a electronic metering system which enabled automatic shutter speed calculation depending on f/stop and the Nikon F-Mount system made this camera hot stuff back in the day. There is no auto focus, film advance or film rewinding; things that even the most basic crappy $100 camera at Best Buy has nowadays.

Who watches the watchmen?
Who watches the watchmen?

The feeling I have when i shoot with the FE is totally different from my D90. When I grab the FE, and crank the film advance lever, I can feel the resistance of the cartridge yielding the film, the mechanism charging the shutter assembly, and the rewinding knob on the opposite end turning. When bring the viewfinder up to my eye, I'm greeted by a big bright viewfinder adorned with Nikon's Standard K focusing screen, with a split prism focus (find a line, make it straight in the center, and you have perfect focus). Pressing the shutter release trigger yields an assuring click-clack as the mirror flips up, the shutter blinds open, exposing the photosensitive chemicals to an imperceptible short shot of light. Then, the shutter closes, and the mirror flips back down, all within a fraction of a second. When preparing to take a picture, I am much more careful. I compose, focus, recompose, refocus, because there is a feeling of permanence. When I expose my negative, I know that it is forever etched and burnt into that piece of film, not temporarily stored onto a flash memory card, waiting to be copied and then subsequently destroyed. With my D90, I'm less cautious, as I know that if this one doesn't turn out well, I can just take another one or 10, and hope that one is what I want. Its a bit disconnected from what I am doing.

Unloading Produce
Workers working

I feel more connected to what I am doing when shooting with film, as I have more direct control over the final product. I can choose the lens and the brand, the ISO sensitivity, and the type of film that goes behind the shutter. This is why I like film--control.

Drunk Bear
Drunken Bear

Included are some shots I made with a Nikon FE, Nikon 50mm F/1.8AF and Micro-Nikkor 105mm F/2.8 AF-D on Fuji 400.

You can view the entire set online here.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pool at UW Bothell

Pool at UW Bothell

Pool is a popular parlor game in bars and schools. People must find hitting small balls into other colored balls with the pointy end of a long pole quite entertaining. Personally, from having played pool a couple time, its fun for a bit, then gets quite dull at an astounding rate. Personal opinions aside, here are some pictures from UW Bothell. There is a pool table at the bottom of UW-1 in a gathering space. Odd spot for a table, but I'm not complaining.

You're next.
Pool at UW Bothell

This is how I hold my cue, but neither watch or skill are involved.
Pool at UW Bothell

Pool at UW Bothell

Clack, goes the ball.
Pool at UW Bothell

Resetting for another round.
Pool at UW Bothell

Where's he aiming?
Pool at UW Bothell

You can view the entire set here.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

University of Washington:Bothell Party

Dock Lamp
At the conclusion of the 2009 Academic year, the University of Washington: Bothell's ASB (associated student body) hosted a party to commorate this event. Students ranging from Freshman to Senior, in all walks of life enjoyed the food, music, dancing, casino games, and gorgeous sunset at the party.

The Woodmark Hotel at Carillon Point (located near the SR-520/I405 junction) hosted the so-called Luau Party. A gorgeous setting summer sun warmed the hearts of all those present.

Note: All images link to larger versions.

Carillon Point's western exposure lent itself to great photographic opportunities. While waiting for the party to warm up a bit, I explored the long dock leading out a great distance.

A girl, waiting for her parents to return on another boat was busy texting.
Texting in a Boat

You gotta have good music before you can operate your boat.
Tuning the radio

Hungry boaters come in for a bite to eat.
Coming in to tie up

And of course, you can't launch or get tied up without this guys help.
Tie up your boat

Having just invested in a Lensbaby, I used it on this marvelous dog.
Good Looking Dog

A dining table, complete with glasses stands ready for service.
Outdoors Party

Nice seat with a good view of the west.
Bench at Sunset

Rich people have the nicest boats!
Big Boat

I asked two fellow students if I could take their picture. Obviously, the answer was yes!
"Can I take your picture?"

With the sun fading quickly, I retreated indoors, into the main area of the party, where gaming, eating and partying were occurring.

Most games here were casino games, and each table had its players and spectators.
Lets Play a Game

Card Games are always popular.
Cards on the table

My favorite image of the night was taken at this craps table.

Its also not a party without dancing!
Everybody Dance!

Or a dj spinning vinyl. Or making himself dizzy.
DJ Rocking Out

Point and Preserve

With the party winding down, I stepped backoutside to take a couple of shots.

The American Flag flying over the very end of the dock.
Flag over the Bay

A collision course!
Collision Course

Overall, it was pretty entertaining. The partygoers had fun; some went to after parties to do whatever it is one does. I got some good pictures, and thats a good day for me.

You can view the entire set at Flickr.com

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Night Sky

From Night Sky

I was bored again, so I decided to take my trusty D80 outside and snap a few while it was still dark. Long exposures again. I have a problem: the D80 will do exposures of 30 seconds automatically, and BULB after that. Since I don't have a cable or wireless release, I can't get exposures over 30 seconds, so no long, epic streaks. Sorry guys. For now.

Check your gamma if you cant see very much in this photo.

Very nice.

Enhanced..a little. This looked empty at first.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

The Arboretum

My dad wakes me up one day, bright and early, at about 10am. "We're going to the Arboretum, he says."

20 minutes later, I'm in the car, heading towards Seattle. Fantastic.
It was a pretty nice day. had a big of sunshine at some point.

These confused me at first. I thought it was upside down, but apparently they aren't.

Too bad my Micro-Lense isn't very good. No aperture control. Manual focus too.

Lost hat.

Cross country skiing

I've gotta invest in a Micro-Nikkor.

Chasing a squirrel


Staring into the sun, I was.

Too bad the D80 has problems with Reds.


One bad berry spoils the lot.

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Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.