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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


HDR is a way to bring out the low light details in a scene, while preserving high contrast things as well. It is done by, for example, taking three images. One overexposed (too much light, thus allowing you to image the super dark, one underexposed (not enough light which lets you capture the super bright) and one that is just right. Then, you take all three and scientifically combine them to make one image that encompasses multiple ranges, so to speak. This requires a tripod, and usually something that doesn't move.

If you want a better explaination,

Anyways, I was at the Kubota garden with my dad and sister, and was inspired by the South Sound Flickr meetup to do some HDR's, so, I did.

The first one is from the Kubota Garden. Maple.

Second is from Turkey, Sadly, I do not remember where or what this is, but it is in Istanbul, and I have a odd feeling that it is a church.

Here is inside a Mosque in Istanbul. Blue, I think.

These are poor examples, as I suck at HDR, but I will practice and hopefully get better soon.

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Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.