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Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Game.

These images are from the Friday Football game at Newport, on October 11. Yes, it was cold again, but I was prepared somewhat. Shot with 50mm, or 70-300mm.

Setting up for some pep-band practice


I get this look alot.


Chris conducting.

To the top.

Colorguard marching down to the field

Drum majors and a knight.

At attention for the National Anthem

The Knight Howl

Mr. George.

Marti Conducting



Beats me.

How to use the "Knight Howl"

Warmup time.

Last minute issues.

More guard warmup

Playing a song for the visitors.

Heart on a head.

Final prep.

Everybody lined up.



Drill performing their show.

Moving to make the tunnel.

Hey to you.


Nice touch.

Slow shutter

Something go wrong?

Drum arc.


The unbusiness end.

The way it works.

Kicking it after the game.

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Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.