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Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Band Camp I

Opening day of summer band camp at Newport High School is an exciting and terrifying experience, from what I can muster. I was unfortunate that during my freshman year, I fell "through the cracks", and didn't know of practices during the summer, so missed the ritual of washing Big Red (our band bus), as well as learning to march, and learning my charts. It was rough.

Anyways. Here are just a few pictures from the first day, where freshmen and rank leaders get together.

In this image, person I do not know, person I do not know, person I do not know, person I do not know, person I do not know, Nick Eisenhauer, person I do not know.
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They all met in the New theater, and had a quick explanation of band, and what the season would be like.
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Jasmine Cho and Scott Elliott
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Big gestures.
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Former Trombone rank leader.
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An actual mellophone section this year. Hurray!
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Scott Elliott, two L's, two T's.
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Count 'em. One, Two...
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The secret to winning in Duck-Duck-Goose is to watch the person who is touching your head. If they accelerate when they approach you, then they will like touch someone very soon.
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Someday, you can have a real job. (Just kidding Brian!)
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pictures! I MISS BAND!!! (such a nerd) Keep up the good work Ben, although I suppose you will have to go to college at some point, and apparently China. Too bad. :)

Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.