¡¡Its alive!! I'm back; new, improved, and posting more or less sporadically!

Coming Soon!

Your very own chance to temporarily paste appealing images from  this website onto your tacky white walls!

Yes, posters are under development;  More details soon!

Entertain your eyes!

You can help me take and post more images by clicking on these ad's once in a while. It helps me greatly in paying for gas, and glass. Thanks again!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Life in Bellevue, Part I

While helping some friends with their Video Project, I got bored, and decided to take pictures of things around me.

This torch was nearby.

At School, the Photography class was out doing some experiments with bubbles.

Some Routers in the Cisco room during the Lan Party. More to Come.

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A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.