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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cisco Lan Party

As promised, more pictures from the Lan Party.

Playing Halo 3. Ben's Pride.

Manning the Front is Hard work.

Dude, Relax. Its just a game.

Fixing the network.

A row of Gamers

More Manning the front. Not busy anymore.

Impatiently waiting for Pizza.

We Love our sponsors.

Guys waiting for prizes to be given away.

Sahara Pizza. Good Stuff.

Pizza Line from the other side.

The System never fails.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice pictures; gotta love LAN parties!

If you ever have one of your own, or just plan on having a long gaming session, I suggest getting some 6 Hour Power. Have you ever tried it? I work for them and am happy to say that their energy shots provide long-lasting extreme energy without the the dreaded crash. They have no sugar, are caffeine free, and come in 5 different flavors: grape, punch, berry, orange, and lemon lime. It's a great 'pick me up' for gamers. Check them out at http://www.6hrpower.com/

By the way, I hope you don't mind me giving you the heads up on your blog. If you want more info or have any questions feel free to send me an e-mail. I'd love to know what you think of the energy shot!

Franklin Keane
Brand Ambassador

Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.