¡¡Its alive!! I'm back; new, improved, and posting more or less sporadically!

Coming Soon!

Your very own chance to temporarily paste appealing images from  this website onto your tacky white walls!

Yes, posters are under development;  More details soon!

Entertain your eyes!

You can help me take and post more images by clicking on these ad's once in a while. It helps me greatly in paying for gas, and glass. Thanks again!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow Storm 2008

In December, the Pacific Northwest experienced basically the largest snow storm in the history of the Northwest. Just kidding. But not. It ruined plenty of my plans and gave me cabin fever, but all's well. It was very pretty.

For a little while.

Prepare to fail.

Lets make a train

AHH! Whos leaning?

Situation supercritical

Best. Transition. Ever

All they did was stare at me.

Goat was on the wrong side. This is Llama territory.


Snow Line


L said...

ben i will most definitely buy a poster of those two staring buffalo (? probably not what they are)

Ben said...

Hi sorry. They are buffalo, and I haven't got any posters in yet.
I'll probably just give you them when i get my act together.

Ben said...

Acutally they are just cows.

Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.