¡¡Its alive!! I'm back; new, improved, and posting more or less sporadically!

Coming Soon!

Your very own chance to temporarily paste appealing images from  this website onto your tacky white walls!

Yes, posters are under development;  More details soon!

Entertain your eyes!

You can help me take and post more images by clicking on these ad's once in a while. It helps me greatly in paying for gas, and glass. Thanks again!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Awesome Snow Day

Yep. It happened. It finally snowed a substantial amount here in Bellevue. After being gypped of a "ice day" last year, BSD realized their mistake and cancelled school. This is day two of snow related cancellations.

Keep in mind that it did not snow on day 1 of the snow break.

The name of the game was long exposure.. as I generally stuck to a ISO lower than 500.



The infamous hill

WHatt?? Frozen Solid?




The mail always makes it. Seriously.




Are on my lawn

Read more!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cascades Auditions

Packed. Absolutely packed. Read more!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why is this here?

I have no idea what this is at UW Bothell for, but its probably evil. Read more!

Loyal Minions

A Note

Unlicensed Commercial, Non Personal usage is strictly prohibited. All images (c) Ben Hou, unless otherwise stated.